Serving S.E. Colorado , S.W Kansas And The Oklahoma Panhandle
Place your ad with The Tri-State Exchange - Schwartz Marketing in Lamar, Colorado to get a jump on buying or selling items. Whether you need to sell your car or buy a new stove, you can find what you need within the pages of our paper. Use our publication for auctions, automotive sales, appliance sales, farm and ranch supplies and much more.
Display advertising is also available for area businesses. We distribute 13,000 copies of our paper to more than 350 locations in more than 48 communities. Exposing your ad to many potential customers. The Tri-State Exchange is strictly a marketing paper. The Tri-State Exchange was designed to offer the agriculture businesses in Southeast Colorado, Southwestern Kansas and the Oklahoma Panhandle a marketing media. We have become the largest auction advertiser in the Tri-State Area, because we deliver the buyers. Consequently, people who attend auctions of all types look to The Tri-State Exchange for information on when and where auctions are held.
The Tri-State Exchange advertises to buy or sell just about anything. List your ad with us for automotive sales like cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, and vehicle accessories. Browse our pages for great deals on farm and ranch supplies. Whether you need heavy equipment like earthmovers and planters or if you just want to bolster your livestock, someone will be selling what you need through our paper.
The Tri-State Exchange has many years of marketing experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you buy or sell anything. We distribute 13,000 copies weekly; this is a higher circulation than most of our competitors.
Tri State Exchange
Schwartz Marketing, Inc
Lamar, Colorado 81052